Tuesday, March 2, 2010



  1. Mum says: sorry, but I am too dim to "get it". One and a half or a date or Tom not up to it or what?????? (sorry!)

  2. Quite the contrary: as odd as it seems, Tom (again) got nine marks out of a possible six in a spelling test by getting both the obligatory list of six words and the optional three "challenge" words right.

  3. Totally and utterly: Well done. Ihr habt ja alle beide - also vielleicht auch Eure Kinder - ein tolles Sprachverstaendnis. Da faellt der Apfel nicht weit vom Birnbaum. Danke!!!

  4. That'll be from the Spinal Tap school of teaching will it? (and their amps which go up to 11, which is "one louder"...)

  5. Indeed. It is probably true to say that meritocratic, "awesome" America is probably the only country in which you can get more than the maximum available number of points.

  6. Awesome indeed. The principle is interesting though, but I'm sure everywhere else in the known world you'd get 6/6 plus 3 bonus points (or something). Love the 9/6 concept though - thanks for sharing!
